- 博客來網路書店 e-coupon 【DVD函授】勞資關係;單科課程(107版)
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- 博客來網路書店 空軍學術雙月刊661(106-12)
多讀書(Fundamentals of Corporate Finance(9版))是培養思考能力和表達能力的最佳方式,也可以培養自信、強化獨立思考的力量,如果你要買這本書Fundamentals of Corporate Finance(9版),最方便的管道就是上博客來網路書局購買Fundamentals of Corporate Finance(9版),網路書局少了傳統書局的人事水電的成本,通常購買Fundamentals of Corporate Finance(9版)價格都會比較便宜,多看好書Fundamentals of Corporate Finance(9版)充實自己真的很不錯
1. Integrated Examples: Numbered and titled examples are integrated in each chapter. Students can learn how to solve specific problems step-by-step as well as gain insight into general principles by seeing how they are applied to answer concrete questions and scenarios.
2. Spreadsheet Solutions Boxes: These boxes provide the student with detailed examples of how to use Excel spreadsheets when applying financial concepts.
3.Finance in Practice Boxes: These are excerpts that appear in most chapters, often from the financial press, providing real-life illustrations of the chapter’s topics, such as ethical choices in finance, disputes about stock valuation, financial planning, and credit analysis.
4.“Beyond the Page” Interactive Content and Applications: Additional resources and hands-on applications are just a click away. Students can tap or click the icons in the e-version or use the direct web links to learn more about key concepts and try out calculations, tables, and figures when they go “Beyond the Page.”
5. Minicases: Integrated minicases allow students to apply their knowledge to relatively compl博客來好書推薦ex, practical problems and typical real-world scenarios.
作者: Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers, Alan J. Marcus
新功能介紹- 出版社:博客來好書設計華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2017/05/18
- 語言:英文
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance(9版)
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- 博客來網路書店 e-coupon 【DVD函授】勞資關係;單科課程(107版)
- 博客來電子書 為你的不完美喝采
- 博客來網路書局 我的啤酒生活提案:從100張插圖看懂品啤酒、買啤酒、釀啤酒的小知識
- 博客來網路書店 空軍學術雙月刊661(106-12)